Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting up and going

Hey Everyone!
Just getting this blog off the ground -  I will have different photos up Mondays and Fridays once I figure out how to slip and slide things.  My wedding albums could be like watching a home movie with someone you don't know!  Therefore I will ease into them soon, very soon along with other finished projects  and works in development.  Until then enjoy as I learn how to get up and going!  The black and white photos were taken with a 4x5 view camera with the lens all twisted to blur out portions of the frame.  I liked doing it for this one without diving in to photoshop.  Don't get me wrong though - I love Photoshop and work primarily all digital and can put out a Saturdays' wedding album online usually by the following Monday!
